Welcome to your childhood kingdom,
where dreams are real, life is fun and you effortlessly flow through life.
In our Playground Nature Retreat, experienced facilitators will invite you to unlock the doors to this magic state of being. Welcome back to this place where you feel deeply connected to your intuition and love, a place free from judgment and shame.
This 4 day retreat was designed to bring you the wonderful experience of celebrating the moment, being free, feeling joyful and light like a child.
You truly want to reconnect with your true nature, with playfulness, with your deepest desires and dreams ?
Then follow your heart and join our PlayGround …
What's in the Program?
music - dance - treasure hunt - clown show - camp building - cinema - bed time stories - theatre workshop - art activities - swimming - games - connecting - relaxing
Nir Shraiber
Music & Workshops
Jan De Bruyckere
Inner children mentor
Glenn Bracey
Consciousness Mentor
Lieve Van Passen
Inner children mentor
Lief is a pioneer in educational innovation. She was cofounder and staffmember of a Belgian Sudbury School, which is a natural, totally different form of education. Here she becamaster in interacting with children and youngsters in a non authorative way.
Before this, she was teaching Dutch to foreigners in a playful and fun way.
She loves giving classes in improvisation theatre, in which she combines fun, enthousiasm and joy, with deepness that touches the core.
She is passionate about the magic that happens during facilitating (family) constellations.
"I love to live a simple life at my own pace and rhythm.
I like to exclude as much 'musts" and "material needs' and include as much freedom, joy and connection as possible.
Are you looking for ways to simplify your life and reconnect with your soul path ... ?
You are very welcome."
Kulam Project's Founder, Nir is a visionary and creative improviser, using his intuition from young age, he found his path in music healing and tribe gathering. Along side Romina his Beloved, they travel the world and creating pure magic and healing with music channeling, and tribal ceremonies.
Along Side music, Nir is Celebrating his inner Child by experimenting contently in group activities to elevate the tribe moral, and to find new ways of healing.
Jan is passionate about bringing people to that space where they can heal and feel the connection with their true self.
A place where you feel empowered, one with all.
He is an experienced facilitator who helps individuals and groups transform their blocked emotions and dysfunctional patterns.
For over 15 years Jan has also been giving creative and artistic workshops and retreats to children and adults.
Your inner child and your inner wisdom have been asleep for way too long.
Isn't it time to wake them up ?
If not now, when ?
A teacher, coach and facilitator.
He shares, embodied awakening practises to return to and live from our true nature. Returning to what we are outside of a hectic, judgmental, thought-led mind. To a fullness of unconditioned freedom, that doesn´t need improving or fixing. He describes awakening as an unfolding of awareness into the freedom that we already are. It’s not a superhero power or super state for the select few. It's not the end of all our life challenges but It is the end of searching for a better version of ourselves. It's the end of searching for certain circumstances to be fulfilled. It's the opening of our body to receive the fullness of our being, so we can embody our truth and bring it into the world.
David Foodlover
Yenna Wolf
Pedagogue & Artist
Roman Delavoipiere
Patricia Caballero
Started as a sucessful junior in athlethics, who is exploring the optimal nutritional daily intake to compete in championships, becoming a alchemist with a vegan slowfood cooking catering business in Hamburg which stands for organic cooking with regional, seasonal, real food.
Using old traditional and modern cooking techniques.
Fermenting, baking, steaming.
Studied chemistry and
travelled through the world.
Ironman finisher and activist for more biodiversity in the world through permaculture and spiritual knowledge.Looking for a deeper nature connected life with a lot of projects.
"The most important integredient of the world to cook is love, respect and belief"
​After studing circus in France in the circus school "Le Lido", i dedicate myself to the theatre and more precisly to the clown guided by Eric Blouet. I've been playing as a clown, acrobat and actor from the end of my oficials studies in 2006 until today with varials circus and theatre companies such as "Théâtre National de Toulouse" , "Le Boustrophédon" or "Subliminati Corporation".
I 've been giving clown and circus workshops from 15 years to a large range of students from very young children to adult people. The skills i offer to learn and experiment in these workshops are designed to be a medium to reveal and express oneself and to connect by the game with one's own feelings and challenges.
Welcome whatever you are and whatever your experience in circus or clown !
Scenic artist, and creative-vital processes helper. Celebrates more than
30 years of dancing career and 15 years in creation, training and
coaching of artistic-holistic projects.
She developed the Body Voice Process practice, a two-year program.
Co-creator of artistic communities, curator and promoter of rural spaces
around art and ecology.
Body and water therapist, and a devoted researcher of voice and the
creation of reality through art and magic.
Yenna loves to play and come alive through various modalities within the Healing Arts.
She is passionate about supporting others to find their own authentic, connected self, in free expression, using a sensitivity of profound awareness and creativity.
She believes that breaking through and letting go of outdated concepts & constructs of the self can hold the key and vital support needed for transformation to occurr. To come alive, we must dare to be seen, witnessed loved and accepted for our totality in this being human, with all our fears and neuroticism. Through the natural process of play, spontaneity, experimentation, self empowerment & inner freedom is possible.